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List Of SOPs


To provide a guideline for preparation and implementation of Environment, Health and Safety Policy includes commitment of Top management, Roles and Responsibilities at different levels in the organisation and Structure required for effective implementation of the EHS Policy.

2.0 SCOPE: 

Applicable to all Employees of the factory including visitors, contractors, sub-contractors, transporters and suppliers.


5.1       The EHS Policy will be prepared by the EHS Department and will be signed by the Site Head

5.2      The Environment, Health and Safety Policy shall be applicable to all employees of factory, contractors, sub-contractors, transporters, suppliers and visitors associated with the company.

5.3      The ultimate aim of the Environment, Health and Safety Policy is to sustain zero accident level and social and environmental sustainability progressively within the next five years. The policy also aims to establish business practices and Environment, Health, Safety and Loss Prevention strategies that optimally utilization of resources and prevent pollution to ensure the long-term sustainability of Factory and the global environment. The company will achieve this aim by:

  • Complying with the standards for Environment, Health and Safety prescribed by relevant authorities like local laws and IFC’s EHS Standards and Guidelines.
  • Developing EHS Standards and Guidelines based on the IFC’s Standards and Guidelines for Factory operations.
  • Maintaining the standards by following the set procedures at different working levels.

5.4 The Guiding Principles for the Policy are:

  • Environment, Health and Safety is second to none.
  • Life is most precious and respect of human life and community & Environment.
  • Training on safety at all working levels.
  • All accidents are preventable.
  • Eliminate accidents, dangerous occurrences by identifying &eliminating hazards for safe operation.

5.5 For successful implementation of the Environment, Health and Safety Policy the Management will:

  • Ensure compliance with all EHS Laws & other requirements (IFC’s EHS requirements) applicable to our facilities, process, products and operations in countries in which the company operates.

5.5.1     Integrate Environment, Health and Safety in the planning, design, purchasing, construction, operation and maintenance of all plants, equipment and facilities including mergers, acquisitions  and decommissioning of plant etc.

  • Provide, maintain and upgrade facilities, operations and working conditions, which are safe for employees, contractors, visitors, communities and others affected by our operations.
  • Adopt risk mitigation measures to ensure minimization of accidents/incidents in all functions and ensure that any adverse social and environmental impact is minimized.
  • Establish effective environment, safety and health management system and monitor metrics, goals/ targets to promote the continual improvement of our performance.
  • Educate, train and motivate employees to work in a safe, environmentally & socially responsible manner.
  • Ensure that all employees work with due regard to their own health, safety and environment and that of others. Individual employees who condone or permit noncompliance with health, safety or environmental laws will be subject to disciplinary action.

5.6       List of EHS policy displayed at site is as per Annexure III.

5.7       To carry out the operation safely and maintaining environment, health and safety standards in the organization the duties and responsibilities of all levels is given in Annexure I

5.8    The arrangements for effective implementation of the Environment, Health and Safety Policy are given as per Annexure II.

5.9  The Environment, Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed after a period of one year. Top  management has rights to review the policy whenever if required or any significant changes in the   company operations or due to new initiatives of the company in the field of Environment, Health and Safety.

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To establish process for the reporting and investigation of EHS adverse events.

2.0 SCOPE:

This document describes the procedure to be followed for EHS adverse events reporting & investigation at site.

2.1 It covers all adverse events involving near-misses, accidents & incidents.

2.2 This procedure is applicable for the following different types of events:

2.2.1 Near-miss reporting & investigation.

2.3.2 Accident reporting & investigation.

2.3.3 Incident reporting & investigation.

2.3.4 First-aid treatment.

2.3.5 Regulatory reporting.


5.1       Near-miss incident

5.1.1    Encourage all to report near-miss incidents to avoid accident in future.

5.1.2    Employees to fill up the near-miss incident report as per annexure attached & send it to department head.

5.1.3    On receipt of the form, the department head shall investigate the incident, record the cause & action taken to avoid recurrence.

            5.1.4    The department head shall communicate to the employee or the employee groups about action taken.

            5.1.5    The department head to initiate the associate actions e.g. training, engineering controls change in method, use of PPE etc.

            5.1.6    Send the completed near-miss reporting & investigation form to EHS on monthly basis

            5.1.7    EHS should be involved during investigation wherever specific advice is necessary.

            Procedure for reporting accidents/incidents

5.2.1    All accidents/incidents shall be reported to ensure prompt medical treatment to injured person, timely investigation with root cause analysis to avoid recurrence & to ensure statutory compliance.

5.2.2    The department head or his delegate should report the incident/accident immediately to the Plant Head/HR & EHS. This can be done verbally or through email as firsthand information. 

5.2.3    The department head or his delegate shall fill up the first page of accident/incident report & send it to QA within 24hrs of the accident/incident.

5.2.4    The department head should initiate the investigation involving EHS within 24 hours of the adverse event.

5.2.5    The investigation shall be completed within 7 days of the event; in case of complex situation interim report must be submitted within 7 days.

5.2.6    Affected employees, employee group & subject matter expert shall be involved in the investigation.

5.2.7    Identify the cause of the accident, unsafe practices & unsafe conditions.

5.2.8    Complete the reporting & investigation form by mentioning about root cause, actions plan, & timeline.

5.2.9    A summary of adverse event & investigation shall be sent to Top management through email communication.

5.2.10  Send the copy of completed form to EHS for recording & tracking.

5.2.11  Ensure medical confidentiality during the reporting.

5.2.12  Provide training to the employees once the corrective measures are implemented, as appropriate.

5.3       First-aid report.

5.3.1    All first-aid cases must be reported & investigated to avoid recurrence.

5.3.2    The department head or his delegate or HR shall fill up the first-aid reporting form as per annexure  attached.

5.3.3.   Mention the nature of the injury.

5.3.4    Mention the probable cause of the injury.

5.3.5    Send the form along with injured employee to the hospital.

5.3.6    Mention the type of first-aid administered in the form.

5.3.7    Send the records of first-aid cases to EHS on monthly basis.

  5.4     Procedure for investigation of accidents/incidents:

5.4.1    All accidents / incidents must be investigated. The scale of investigation will depend on the actual or  potential seriousness of the event.

5.4.2    Key personnel undertaking the investigation must be adequately trained.

 5.4.3       Involve employees, subject matter experts, EHS during the investigation.

 5.4.4       Use root cause identification tools e.g. 5 WHY, Cause & effect technique, brainstorming fo investigation. 

5.4.5    If the root cause elimination is a long-term action plan, interim corrective measures should be implemented e.g. use of PPE, additional control, supervision etc.

 5.4.6      Investigations must focus on identifying systemic root cause rather than targeting affected employee or employee groups. 

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The purpose of this procedure is to manage and control on-site emergency handling to communicate and evacuate the employees safely and protect property, community & environment.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This policy is applicable for Site.


5.1       Establish an On-site Emergency Plan, a list of necessary arrangement (annexure I), fire action plan and emergency contacts list

5.2       Raising of alarm/siren/bell during emergency. If an emergency is identified as defined above, all employees shall be alerted and the incident reported to the Incident Controller and Emergency Controller. The Security Supervisor will activate the siren as per guidance below after instruction received from Emergency Controller to alert the employees, visitors, contractors and passers-by:

  1. Emergency siren for evacuation – intermittent (1-2 minutes) i.e., on-off after 5-10 seconds.
  2. All Clear siren – continuous siren for 1-2 minutes

5.3  Below are the responsibilities of the persons involved in case of emergency.


     Role of Emergency Controller (EHS Head)

  • On receiving information about the emergency, he shall rush to the emergency control center.
  • He shall contact the Incident Controller via telephone or messenger, collect information about the emergency, about work going on and the inventory of hazardous chemicals in the area. Depending on the magnitude of emergency he shall order the evacuation if necessary.
  • He shall contact Security to collect information and movement of vehicles.
  • He shall consult Safety Manager, for further assistance to control emergency, and ask for outside help if required.
  • If the emergency is uncontrollable that needs intervention of an external agency, he/she shall alert local fire brigade, police station, government authority, neighboring companies, local community for further course of action and evacuation.
  • Brief Top management about the incident and update them about the progress in controlling emergency.
  • He shall contact Head Count Personnel to get details on missing persons and order rescue team for rescue of missing person.  
  • After the emergency is controlled, he shall jointly inspect the site along with IC and Safety Personnel.
  • Once everything is alright, he shall give approval for all clear signal to the incident controller and order reentry of the concerned personnel.
  • He shall discuss along with EHS representative / Manager about the observations received from event recorder.

Role of Incident Controller (Plant Head)

  • On receiving information about the emergency, he shall rush to the endangered site.
  • He shall contact the supervisor, collect information about the emergency, about work under process and the inventory of hazardous chemicals.
  • If required he shall recommend Emergency Controller to arrange for fire brigade and / or ambulance.
  • If required he shall evacuate the area after consultation with Emergency Controller.
  • In consultation with EHS department, he shall appraise the firefighters and first-aiders about the incident and instruct them accordingly when they report to him.
  • In consultation with EHS department if required he shall instruct Facility and Engineering Head to switch off power supply to the endangered area.
  • He shall instruct the fire-fighters on usage of fire extinguishers.
  • He shall record names of fire fighters / first aiders entering endanger area and repeat the same when emergency is controlled
  • Once the emergency is controlled, he shall call Emergency Controller and EHS personnel for a joint inspection before ALL CLEAR signal is given.
  • On receiving approval from Emergency Controller, he shall inform Security to give ALL CLEAR signal.

Role of Administrative Head / HR Manager

  • HR Manager shall contact Emergency Controller and take stock of the situation.
  • In case of serious injury to the personnel his family shall be informed with the actual facts and condition by the HR Manager
  • Providing logistic support like ambulance, transport arrangements, medicines, establishing contact with the hospitals, water or food for the people if the evacuation takes long time etc.

Role of Health and Safety Representative

  • Immediately after receiving emergency information, he shall rush to the site to assess the situation and take emergency measures. He shall appraise the Emergency Controller about the gravity of the emergency.
  • In case of fire, he/she shall guide fire-fighters about the extinguishing media, root cause of fire etc. In case of chemical release or spillage, he/she shall alert spill control agents and gather information about the chemical.
  • If the emergency warrants evacuation, then he/she shall coordinate with Emergency Controller.
  • Guide outside agencies about the facility layout, chemicals or any other information which may be required by them.
  • Coordinate with Emergency Controller before giving all clear signal.
  • He shall share the information and observations made by the Event Recorder at Assembly Point

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To describe the procedure for operation of Effluent Treatment Plant for treatment of effluent collected during manufacturing process and discharge of effluent as per applicable regulatory standard.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This policy is applicable at Site (Site Name/Location)



5.1.1    Collect the effluent in flocculation tank.

5.1.2    Add “BIONIL-91HP” (The dosage depends on the volume of waste water)

5.1.3    Check the pH of the effluent. If the pH is out of limit, add “PAC” for PH correction.

5.1.4    Add the flocculants agent “VASUFLOC-4420” (The dosage depends on the volume of waste water) if pH is good. The solids will separate in the form of lot, allow for decantation

5.1.5    After few minutes, send treated water samples to Quality Control Laboratory for analysis (it is      possible to use “Hydrated Lime Powder” for PH correction if value is more than upper Spec limit).

5.1.6    If water quality parameters conform to applicable regulatory criteria, following decantation, drain the sludge first, through the primary filters, then collect the filtered water in the treated water reservoir.

5.1.7    Discharge the treated water into the garden

5.1.8    Treated wastewater regulatory criteria.

5.1.8    The regulatory criteria for treated wastewater and are recorded in the analysis report of the chemical parameters of wastewater  

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This procedure is to provide guidelines for the management of spills that can occur on-site.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This policy is applicable at Site (Site Name/Location)


5.1 Introduction:

  • Chemical spills occur for many reasons, usually from accident, carelessness or faulty equipment.
  • Small spills e.g., those involving less than 100L of materials can often be handled by trained personnel, in plant people.
  • The type of chemical spill is the most important factor in determining how to respond and clean up.

Risks associated with spills:

  • Chemical exposure.
  • Contamination of water, soil, air and biodiversity.
  • Fire & Explosion.
  • Physical injury to the person.
  • Damage to infrastructure.

Main causes of chemical spills:

  • Mishandling of chemicals.
  • Deterioration of storage containers.
  • Incompatibility of the chemical with the container.
  • Breakage of container or vessel.
  • Overflow due to inattentiveness.
  • Leaks from process equipment such as flanges, connectors, valves, week pipes, hoses or tubes.

5.1       Spillage control procedure:

5.1.1    Observed spills shall be reported to the HOD who shall implement the following actions:

  1. On arrival at the spot will take charge of the situation and will ensure that appropriate actions are initiated
  2. If any work in the area involves hot work, inform the staff involved and suspend the work immediately.
  3. Movements of any vehicles in the area shall be stopped immediately.
  4. Stop transfer of any solvents.
  5. Do not try to switch on/off the electrical switches.
  6. Try to stop the leakage at source if safe to do so.
  7. If spillage occurs in a bonded area, ensure that the bond drain valve is in closed position.
  8. Initiate actions for containing the spills.
  9. Summon the fire fighting team and evacuate personnel if necessary.
  10. Record and report the spillage.

5.1.2   Spillage handling:

  1. Liquid spills shall be contained by using sand as quickly as possible in the smallest possible area. Careful use of absorbent materials shall be made in order to absorb a spill.
  2. Every effort shall be made in order to prevent a spill from entering into the drainage system.

5.1.3  Spill treatment:

  1. Depending on the nature of the material and the quantity involved, all spills shall be treated in accordance with the guidance given in the Material Safety Data Sheet. Protective clothing shall be used.
  2. Spills shall be readily contained and collected for disposal.
  3. Liquids may be collected using a suitable absorbent.
  4. Solids shall be collected by careful sweeping or vacuum, avoiding the generation of dust.
  5. Solids and contaminated absorbents shall be sealed in polythene bags or other suitable containers and clearly labelled pending disposal.
  6. Minor spillages which have entered drains are best dealt with by flushing the drain with large volume of water.

5.1.4   General instructions:

  • Identify the substance(s) involved, their properties and the extent of the spillage by reading labels as wells MSDS.
  • Personnel who are to deal with the spill shall wear the appropriate protective clothing and shall be adequately training.
  • Store the materials in a suitable (compatible) container, which are correctly marked.
  • Keep away unprotected and uninvolved people from the spill site.
  • If possible, stop the spill.
  • Act quickly but safety to minimize the spill.
  • Stay upwind of the spill / leakage.
  • Immediately stop specific activities which are being undertaken on-site to avoid the risk of the incident escalating, e.g., the need to stop welding / burning activity, movement of vehicle, in case of spill involves the release of flammable substances. Inform neighbouring factories, to stop jobs like welding and burning activity.
  • Sand, earth shall be provided to contain/absorb the spill. 
  • Spreading of spills shall be controlled by improvising bunds using dry sand around the spill.
  • Carefully spread the sand / earth, on the surface of spillage to absorb the spilled material.
  • Contaminated residues shall be collected in a suitable, clearly marked the container prior to disposal as “CONTAMINATED” or “SAFE FOR DISPOSAL”.
  • Ventilate the area to disperse of vapours and/or airborne dust.  Open doors and windows but care to be taken to ensure that this does not spread the problem to adjoining areas. 
  • Alternatively, water sprays to be used to “knock down” vapour or dust clouds
  • Medical treatment/first aid must be provided immediately to the persons affected due to the spill.  Guidance is provided in MSDS.
  • If the incident is likely to have an effect off-site, the following authorities to be informed.
  • Local Police Station
  • Medical Services / Hospitals            
  • Ambulance services                                     
  • Do not overfill the container.
  • Keep all containers (empty as well as full) closed when not in use.
  • Contaminated clothing shall be treated with care. They shall be disposed off safely.
  • Tools or equipment shall be thoroughly decontaminated.
  • Any materials used in the treatment of the spill shall be treated as contaminated waste and disposal of.
  • Practice good housekeeping.
  • Report all unusual incidents:
  • BE VIGILANT] Spills do not just happen, they are caused.

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This procedure provides the guidelines for the setup of provisions for first-aid.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This policy is applicable at Site (Site Name/Location


5.1       Trained first-aiders shall be made available in each shift.

5.2       First-aid boxes and equipment shall be provided as mentioned below:

  • The first-aid boxes or cupboards must be distinctively marked with a RED CROSS on a WHITE background and must contain the following equipment:
  • 6 small-size sterilized dressings.
  • 3 medium-size sterilized dressings.
  • 3 large-size sterilized dressings.
  • 3 large-size sterilized burn dressings
  • 2 (15 grams) packets of sterilized cotton wool.
  • 1 (120 ml) bottle of cetrimide solution (1 percent) or a suitable antiseptic.
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 2 rolls of adhesive plaster (2 cm X 1 meter)
  • 8 pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets.
  • Aspirin or any other analgesic.
  • Ointment for burns
  • 1 polythene wash bottle (1/2 litre i.e. 500 cc) for washing eyes.
  • 1 snake bite lancet
  • Notice regarding first-aid:
    1. A notice containing the names of the persons working within the precincts of the factory who are trained in first-aid and who are in charge of the First Aid Box or cupboards shall be displayed in every factory at a conspicuous place and near each such box or cupboards.
    2. The notice shall also indicate workroom where the said person shall be available.
    3. The name of the nearest hospital and its telephone number shall also be mentioned prominently in the said notice.
  • Training:

Personnel to perform first-aid shall undergo training. 

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This procedure provides guidelines for safe loading and unloading of material.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This procedure is applicable to Site (Site Name/Location)


5.1 Identify the hazards of the respective chemicals/materials.

5.2 Transporters (lorries/trucks) shall park at the loading and unloading bay or area provided; ensuring sufficient space for easy movement of man and material.

5.3 Transporters storing or handling flammable liquid shall have spark arrestors fixed to the exhaust pipe prior to entering into the factory.

5.4 Wheels stoppers shall be used to avoid movement of parked vehicle on inclined areas.

5.5 Materials shall be loaded/unloaded by using ramps or angles.

5.6  Ensure the physical strength of the loading and unloading personnel is good for the job.

5.7 Material to be transported from unloading bay or dispatch bay by means of appropriate material handling equipment like trolleys etc.

5.8 Inspection of the loading and unloading materials to be carried out for spillage/damage and correct labelling.

5.9  All material containers shall be identified with labels (without labels, materials shall not be received)

5.10 Materials shall not be loaded in excess of the vehicle carrying capacity.

5.11 Dry sand, fire extinguishers and hoses shall be kept available at the time of handling of chemicals.

5.12 Glass containers shall be handled with adequate care.

5.13 Ensure respect of all applicable statutory norms at site during loading and unloading of chemicals/materials.

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This procedure provides guidelines for safe storage of hazardous chemicals to prevent fire, explosion and spillage.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This procedure is applicable for the following categories chemicals at Site (Site Name/Location)

  • Hazardous materials.
  • Petroleum products.
  • Rejected materials and
  • Waste.


5.1       Ensure that properties of the chemicals are known before handling / storing of chemical.

5.2       Ensure MSDS of chemicals are available at site.  If not, download it from the internet site and

5.3       The following points shall be identified before acceptance of material onsite;

5.3.1     The hazards associated with the material.

5.3.2     Adequate labelling of materials with specific risks and safety phrases; and packaging.

5.3.3     Information in the form of a MSDS.

5.3.4     Absence of damage or leakage on consignment.

5.4       If the issues above are not mentioned on the receipt material, safety and risk phrases, hazard symbols shall be affixed on the RM to identify the hazard.

5.5       Segregate the hazardous chemicals as per their compatibility properties.

5.6       Inventory of the hazardous materials shall be kept with assistance from Stores department.

5.7       Rejects and wastes shall be segregated and stored separately as per the compatibility properties.

5.8       Petroleum Class ‘A’ & ‘B’ products shall be stored in identified designated areas.

5.9       Where applicable, petroleum products shall be stored in a bonded area having capacity to contain the    spillage.

5.10      Ensure that electrical fittings and fixtures are as per the hazard associated in the storage area

5.11      Housekeeping shall be maintained properly.

5.12      Inspection and regular maintenance shall be done regularly and records maintained.

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To provide procedure to ensure the appropriate selection, use, cleaning, maintenance and storage of PPE. 

2.0 SCOPE: 

This SOP is applicable for all employee, vendor, visitor, contractor at Site (Site Name/Location)


5.1  Assess and establish the requirements for PPEs based on the findings of the hazard study and risk assessments carried out.

5.2 Ensure one-month consumption stock of PPE is in place.

5.3 Perform regular inventory of PPE.

5.4 Ensure PPEs are stored in properly ventilated area.

5.5 Only suitable and fit PPE shall be issued.

5.6 PPEs shall be issued only to personnel trained formally or informally.

5.7 Ensure that records of issue are maintained.

5.8 Ensure that areas where PPE is mandatory are identified.

5.9  Ensure that signs are placed in appropriate positions to warn persons of areas or work operations where PPE is required.

5.10 Use and Maintenance

5.10.1   Helmets: Regularly clean to remove dirt, dust and moisture. Clean once a month with warm water with mild detergent and dry.

5.10.2   Goggles: Keep goggles in lukewarm water for 5 minutes. Immerse in formalin (1 part of 40% formaldehyde in 9 parts of water). Rinse in cold water and dry in clean area. Clean with soap and warm water to remove oil.

5.10.3   Face shield: Keep face shield in lukewarm water for 5 minutes. Immerse in formalin (1 part of 40% formaldehyde in 9 parts of water). Rinse in cold water and dry in clean area. Clean with soap and warm water to remove oil.

5.10.4   Ear plugs: Clean plugs with soap and warm water to remove oil. Earmuffs can be cleaned as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

5.10.5   Gloves: Clean gloves from inside and outside with water after every use, dry and apply talcum powder if the same are to be reused.

5.10.6   Safety shoes/gumboots: Clean boots from inside and outside with water after every use and dry. Leather shoes must be cleaned with brush and polished.

5.11     Training:

5.11.1   EHS Head/Representative will provide training to employees on the following and retain records:

  • Necessity for PPE.
  • Selection of PPE.
  • Use, storage, maintenance and replacement of PPE.
  • Limitations of PPE.

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This procedure describes the methods for planning and conducting internal audits to verify that all activities are in compliance with its EMS, and to determine if the EMS has been implemented properly.

2.0 SCOPE: 

This procedure applies to areas covered in the scope of the EMS at Site (Site Name/Location).


5.1 Audit Planning

5.1.1    The EHS Executive – Corporate shall prepare an Audit Plan which specifies the audit schedule, the scopes of audit and allocation of auditors. The audit plan shall be approved by the EHS Manager – Corporate. The schedule shall be planned so that all EMS elements and OHSMS are covered at least once a year. The audit frequency shall be also based on the environmental, health and safety importance of the activities concerned and the results of previous audits.

5.1.2    For each audit, the auditor shall be qualified on the receipt of EMS / OHSMS auditing training. µ

5.2  Audit Preparation

5.2.1    The auditor shall contact the auditee informally to discuss the scope of the audit and agree a convenient time and date to meet. The auditor shall prepare audit plan, and audit checklist for the areas to be audited (checklist for reference is available from EMR/ OHSMS / Intranet).

5.3 Conducting Audit

5.3.1    Audit is performed through examination of documents, records, log books, files, interviews and observations of activities as applicable viz

  • Environmental management system manual

  • Occupational, health and safety manual

  • Standard operating procedures / Guidelines / Objectives / Management program

  • Applicable government regulations (Environmental, OH & S)

5.3.2    All audit findings (strengths and weaknesses) are documented on the Audit Checklist. Audit findings are classified as positive observation (O+), Non-conformance (NC) and opportunity for improvement (OI).

5.3.3    Auditor is responsible for accuracy and adequacy of the audit report. Based on the audit observation report, the auditor, and auditee discuss and come to an agreement on the non-conformity.

5.3.4    The nonconformity mutually agreed by the auditee and auditor is reported in the audit non conformity report, with the recommendations signed by the auditor and auditee.

5.4 Reporting and Follow-ups

5.4.1    The auditee is responsible for determining and initiating corrective actions needed for closing the non-conformity. A root cause analysis is carried out to determine the cause of non-conformity, and the concerned Department Heads proposes actions with responsibility and target.

5.4.2    Actions are initiated as per QA procedure planned and reported in the audit NC report.

5.4.3    The Plant head verifies the actions taken, and reports the closure by verifying records after implementation of CA, and closes the audit NC report. If any NC’s raised call for global actions to be initiated in any other areas, the same is implemented by taking preventive action to avoid occurrence in relatively similar areas.

5.4.4    EHS Manager the closure of audit NCs in stipulated time and prepares a summary of audit findings for management review. Verification of closure of NC’s will be done by Internal Auditor / EHS manager.

5.5 Others

5.5.1    Unplanned audits / spot audits may be conducted on EHS manager’s discretion depending on the nature of audit findings in a specific process / function and their impact on environment & risk assessment.

5.5.2 All external audit findings are recorded in internal format & corrective actions taken as per the above procedure. Based on Internal / External feedback the Audit Plan is revised if necessary.

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